Google +1 and what does it mean for SEO
“Google +1” is a new social search concept, which has been very recently developed. It is a feature of Google, which allows the users to vote about a particular page. They can vote up, or vote down, as per how they have liked or disliked the page. It is very much similar to the “like” option that is so commonly used in “Facebook”, the most popular social website at present. It is not much of a hassle to the user, as it is just an extra click for them. It basically indicates how the popularity or unpopularity of that particular page, and the website overall. All the +1’s on a particular web page or a web site is summed up and shown in the Google profile. The main aim of this new feature, is to reduce the methods of certain unethical webmasters, who tries to bring websites to the top rankings of SERPS, using cunning strategies.
Does this new method of “liking” a page really disrupt the working principles of a SEO? Well, to be honest, not much. This is because, in the larger picture, SEO is less about strategies and planning, and more common sense. Thus, web site owners will have to be less strategic, and have more common sense and quality content in their websites, to make their website a success. What may happen, is that the differences may broaden between a normal search and a highly personalized search. Till now, this difference has not been much, maybe resulting in shifting of ranks only slightly. But the introduction of Google +1 may change that.
However, what Google +1 does, is to bring in user recommendations, alongside the normal algorithms that Google has, while creating rankings in user searches. Thus, if you are browsing a particular webpage, and you like it, you may show the thumbs-up to them by clicking the +1. This gives the signal to other users, that users who have previously visited that particular web page has liked it, and will give them enthusiasm to go through it. Thus, the searching becomes more personalized. As this is a new concept, it is not known how they will affect SEO. Example, the more number of +1’s a site has got, the better ranking it may have. However, a negative aspect is that if you have a whole lot of known people, you may gather a lot of likes from there! So this may show a virtual popularity of the web site to other users.
Google+1 is still in its experimental stage. Let’s see how things work out!